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Remix Project

Artist's Note

The project I selected from my english seminar to remix for our studio class was my Humans of Education Project. This original text was trying to accomplish the struggles young students faced from remote learning education and with long term isolation from loved ones. Specifically focusing on mental health and motivation to learn. Although the pandemic has left a devastating mark on earth, there are valuable lessons and aspects that can be taken away from it. Such as adapting to critical circumstances, taking initiative, student teacher connection and the importance of communication in our society. I’m hoping to expand this by remixing it, relate it to my experiences on a personal level and apply this to not just high school students but college as well. This way it is applicable to a bigger audience and individuals can compare their experiences to mine. When designing my remix I chose the mode and genre of visual and collage. I believe visuals are more appealing than infographics because there aren't any words, only pictures with colors that are eye popping. You can design the color scheme to your liking for more effect. Photos I originally had in my draft are in black and white, showing the struggles of what problems the pandemic has caused. The more personal pictures I have are in color showing the light in the valuable aspects we can take away from COVID-19. There are words within each picture, which opens up the audience's emotions and imagination to their personal experiences and connections. A design choice I considered and included was a quote from my football coach Mr. Fabiano in high school, "No Matter What Circumstance The Time to Thrive is Always Now”. This always stuck with me because even when our season was shortened and playoffs were canceled he still encouraged us to continue to grow as football players and individuals. Since I wanted my remix to be more personal I thought including a quote that has so much meaning to me would be effective. On that note, I see my remix tapping into people's emotions and personal experiences about the pandemic. This allows them to acknowledge the devastating parts COVID-19 has created but also remembering the good like graduating, seeing loved ones after months, communication and socializing with our society. My remix will serve as a reminder for everyone to use this pandemic to grow as a person and only look forward towards the future. We have learned so much about what we can never take for granted and how we can persevere through any obstacle with the help of our community. Giving my personal experiences and perspective towards others shows we aren’t alone in recovery from everything we’ve experienced. The insight on education is so important, now we know how effective it is learning in a classroom setting, teacher-student relationships, and collaborating ideas with other students. I truly believe my remix will contribute this to each and every viewer.  

No Matter What Circumstance The Time to Trive is Always now..png

Curation Project

These artifacts demonstrate to my audience how big my culture plays apart in my life and my future. Each are connected because of how my peruvian culture has shaped who I am as a person, student and burgeoning professional. The element of culture inclusion in my curation has created opportunities for me all throughout my life. My identity has a lot to do with my culture, and exploring new cultures has helped me gain life skills which will be put towards the future. I'm currently a finance major so connecting with individuals of other cultures is important in establishing a strong worldwide network. My college essay is about my trip to Iceland and the curiosity it gave me after experiencing being there, the HSF essay is why my cutlure plays a big role in my personality and how diverse I have become. Lastly my Scotch Plains-Fanwood Scholarship essay is about my qualifications and future plans as a business major giving back to the community that has done so much for me. They all tie together in defining who I am to an individual who is unfamiliar with me. Having peruvian heritage has helped me become a good writer having different perspectives in certain things. 

Curated Gallery 


Hispanic Scholarship Foundation Essay


I recently wrote this essay in hopes of being awarded scholarship money. The required question was, "what does becoming an HSF Scholar mean to you and how can you use it to fufill your goals?" Answering this prompt made me relaize how much my culture has shaped my goals in who I am and will become in the future. My parents have taught me spanish since I was little so the opportunity I've been given to be bilingual will really impact my business career. Communication is very important so being able to talk to others of different cultures can only put me ahead in my qualifications. My full essay goes more into depth about this. HSF Essay 


Common App College Essay 


This is the essay I submitted to all my colleges my senior year. On my vacation in Iceland, the scenery was breathtaking and unforgettable. Exploring this culture was a really cool experience that made me curious of what else is out there outside my small bubble of Scotch Plains-Fanwood New Jersey. This is one of the experiences that has created my ambition for exploring unfamiliar things and places. Theres so much more I could learn about myself, my culture, and societies around the world. This trip was life changing and made me realize that. 

Common App College Essay 


SPF Scholarship Foundation


In this essay I introduce myself to my town's scholarship foundation and why I deserve to be apart of it. Becoming a first generation college student in my family was a goal I had along with my siblings who go to NYU and UPENN. I state all the work I have done in my community and my goals for the future, which all relate to my my culture. Eventually I wish to visit Peru again and help out family there once I have a stable job after graduation. It also amde me realize the lack of connection I have with family there and I really hope to improve that in the future.

SPF Scholarship Foundation Essay

Circulation Reflection

Building my digital portfolio and constructing my website to be professional, accessible and engaging required several tactics. The materials that I selected to include for my portfolio are visually connected by the blue design concept. Each photo contrasts with the layout and makes it very appealing for viewers. My portfolio tells users a lot about how my Peruvian culture has impacted my identity, writing, and goals. The several projects showcase my creative abilities and not only my academic interests but everyday hobbies as well. 

    Interactions and feedback from classmates in this course was by far the most beneficial in shaping my portfolio. After all, my website is for users to view, so having opinions from classmates helped me redesign, edit, and change parts before I would publish when submitting a project. An example is from our last class meeting. I got feedback from a classmate saying I should move my toolbar from the bottom to the top so it’s more accessible and visible for viewers. 

    Writing moves we have learned in this course were put to use in my portfolio. These consist of accessibility, repetition, creating emotion for users, and just overall creativity. Each of these can be found in the artifacts I have chosen for my projects. My remix is a great example because it incorporates each writing move. This project is very easy to access or view, having several background pictures repeating with no ink, and abstract concepts tapping into readers emotions. I made use of these writing moves this semester trying not to just limit incorporating them in this course but my other courses too. I tried making my website as creative as possible to draw viewers and give them aspects to remember over other websites they will come across. 

    Furthermore, designing and adding to my portfolio has affected how I think about my writing and the projects I’m showcasing. Including a why in any project you create is essential. You need to give the viewers a reason to choose your portfolio over others. Separating your work from others is crucial in all the projects and writing I have added to my portfolio. The public nature of this portfolio influenced my choices in the artifacts I curated to ensure they were appropriate and could relate to my general audience. Along with eye-popping and interesting artifacts to attract many. 

    As I progress through being an undergraduate at UConn I plan on adding projects from the upcoming courses. I will showcase any work from clubs, employment, class projects, internships, etc. I do plan to circulate my portfolio outside of this class so I hope it shows I am capable of taking responsibility, involved at UConn, persevering, and a well rounded individual. Which results in me being prepared as I pursue my professional goals and grow as a scholar.

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